Architecture As A Tool Of Healing Human Soul…


Prabodha Rathnapala

“Architecture, of all the Arts is the one which acts the most slowly, but most surely, on the Soul…” – Ernest Dimnet

Architecture is life-enhancing and has a soul of its own to touch the souls of the people. Built environment in harmony with nature and the human essence, uplift the entire community. The architecture of delight creates the necessary conditions for the joy of living and for the user to function well in spaces that are designed to be spiritually alive.

The colors used for decorating have a profound effect on our moods and activities. The quality of light is equally significant. The ambiance of a space is largely due to the reverberation or absorption of sound. When all of these sensual aspects of a building are in harmony, it becomes a Work of Architecture; it has soul which nourishes and heals the human spirit. These places feel alive, and user responds with delight. Feelings stimulated by such places with soul are indeed healthy, both physiologically and psychologically.

Thus it is a tremendous responsibility for all design professionals to thoroughly understand the human psyche, to have a keen appreciation of beauty of all kinds, and to create Works of Architecture that will enhance the environment and all forms of life within.