

Steve Jobs’ seven principles

Principle One: Do what you love. When we do something, we must do what we like. Otherwise it will be boring. When we do it to our own style, we can put the maximum effort to our design. Principle Two: Put a dent in the universe. We should have a vision to do a change … read more

3D Visualization in a Nutshell

The most important thing in Computer Graphics (CG) Art is that it is a beautiful combination of creativity and technology which is updating day by day. 3D visualization is a strong branch of CG art. 3D visualization is a general term used for 3d graphics, modeling texturing & rendering. It helps...

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What does a Construction Manager do?

Construction managers work closely with other building specialists, such as architects, engineers, and a variety of trade workers, such as stonemasons, electricians, and carpenters. Projects may require specialists in everything from structural metalworking and painting, to landscaping, building roa...

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The Super Hero Architect

Architects breed, not only is it rarely defined what architects actually focus on professionally, but it is even rarer to know what architects think about when their minds are at rest and left to wander. What kind of things fascinate architects that might be completely overlooked by anyone in any o...

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The Word “team” is widely used in our lives and the corporate sector by us to achieve different tasks in our establishments. But do we really do team work? We think that by doing our part of the job fulfills the need of a team player. But, what I think is that, first as individual … read more

The Unsung heroes of the construction industry: Draughtsmen

Whenever a new skyscraper adds grace to the skyline, engineers and architects tends to hog all the credits, forgetting one professional without whose input no structure would stand the test of time, or stand at all; the draughtsman. Draughtsman ensure that architectural ideas comes into reality by c...

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Architecture as a tool of healing Human Soul…

“Architecture, of all the Arts is the one which acts the most slowly, but most surely, on the Soul…” – Ernest Dimnet Architecture is life-enhancing and has a soul of its own to touch the souls of the people. Built environment in harmony with nature and the human essence, uplift the entire co...

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All about a Quantity Surveyor

We manage all costs relating to building and civil engineering projects, from the initial calculations to the final figures and seek to minimize the costs of a project and enhance the value for money, while still achieving the required standards and quality. Others in the team who play crucial roles...

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Our Passion

“All Architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design space that contains, cuddles, exalt or stimulates the persons in that space” – Phillip Johnson Our passion is developing design and architecture that provokes evolution – for our clients, business partners and for the society...

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The Techniques Of Drafting

From the use of pens and pencils to computer aided software; the techniques of drafting have evolved significantly over the years. Our team of Draftsmen at MSN Architects are well equipped with both the traditional and contemporary knowledge about their craft. Through this unique blend of expertise,...

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The Influence of Quantity Surveyors in Construction

A person who works in the construction industry and is concerned with construction costs and contracts is known as a Quantity Surveyor (QS). In the construction industry, Quantity Surveyors have a number of responsibilities and this essay analyses their importance and roles. Quantity Surveyors have ...

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